VBS Wrapup

One week does not sound like much, but many thanks to the volunteers who gave generously of their time to influence two dozen lives for eternity. Preparations are underway for another year of Berean Christian Academy and Berean Youth Clubs. Your prayers and support for these important ministries are also appreciated.

A Seven-Point Checklist for Life

Thought for the day; a seven-point checklist for life.

1. Make sure you are born again. John 3:16

2. Walk in the light. 1 John 1:6-9

3. Set moral boundaries and live within them. Ephesians 5:3-4

4. Nourish healthy friendships and get out of friendships that drag you down. Proverbs 13:20

5. Make wise decisions. Ephesians 5:15

6. Respect Authority

– Parents, Luke 18:20

– Church Leaders, Hebrews 13:17

– Government Leaders, Romans 13:1-7

7. Be third. Remember JOY, Jesus, Others, Yourself. Philippians 2:3-7

Vacation Bible School

Another season of summer camp is complete. Thanks to the intense efforts of counselors, workers, and prayer warriors, dozens of lives were influenced for eternity. After a brief break to celebrate the 4th of July, the next event in the Berean summer ministries is Vacation Bible School. VBS is scheduled for the week of July 13 from 8:30 AM until noon. If you would like to attend or volunteer, please contact the church office at 972-438-1440.