Proposed Ammendments to Church Constitution

The following amendments to the Berean Church constitution are to be voted on at the upcoming business meeting on March 7.

Section 2 – Purpose

“This congregation is organized as a church, exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes, including but not limited to, the establishing and maintaining of religious worship and Christian education in a manner consistent with the Holy Bible through Sunday and weekday schools, the erection, maintenance and management of facilities suitable for ministries (i.e. church buildings, missions, etc.), and the support of missionary activity and Christian education in the United States and in any foreign country and to the giving of charitable gifts to the needy.”

Section 3 – Dissolution

“Upon dissolution of the church, the trustees shall, after having made provision for the payment of all the church’s liabilities, dispose of the church’s assets to like 501-C3 organization(s) with similar beliefs, goals and purposes.”

Section 4 – Political Involvement

“The church shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.  No substantial part of the activities of the church shall be dedicated to an attempt to influence legislation.”

Section 5 – Discrimination

“This church and the ministries of this church (including, but not limited to, Berean Christian Academy, Berean Youth Clubs and Berean Recorded Media Ministry) shall not discriminate against members, applicants, students or others on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin.”

Section 6 – Conflict of Interest

“No part of the income of the church shall be distributed to trustees, officers, members or other persons, except in reasonable compensation for time, expenses and services rendered and in conformity with purposes outlines in Article II, Section 2.”

Section 7 – Designated Contributions

A. “Reasonable efforts will be made to apply contributions designated to specific funds to the desired fund.  However, the leadership of the church (pastor, trustees and board) reserve the right to apply funds to the area of greatest need, according to their judgement and discretion.  No obligation shall be created by any gift, either designated or not, other than that it must be used for the purposes of the church as stated in Article II, Sections 1 and 2.”

Church Business Meeting

On March 7, we will have an abbreviated morning service followed by a church business meeting.  The purpose of the meeting is to vote on ammendments to the Church consitution for purposes of obtaining 501 (c)(3) status for Berean Chrisitian Academy.

Proposed ammendments will be separately posted so that they have their own dedicated blog post.

BYC Summer Camp

It is time to reserve a spot for campers in June. Boys Week will be June 13 through June 19. Girls Weeki June 20 through 26.

Campers must have completed the third grade but not the ninth grade.

Cost is $325 per camper which includes everything, including transportation to and from Lake Murray, near Ardmore, Oklahoma.

Read on for Money Saving Deals for Campers!

Money Saving Deal #1: If you pay before May 1, you only pay $300!

Money Saving Deal #2: For every new camper you refer, who registers, pays and attends summer camp, we will deduct $25 from your fee. A new camper is someone who has never attended BYC summer camp before.


Because of the weather prediction for wet freezing weather the Berean Christian Academy garage sale scheduled for Saturday, February 13, has been postponed until Saturday, February 27. This will also give us more time to collect more items. Thanks to everyone who has donated items and volunteered to work.